Seven Underrated Seinfeld Scenes Worth Rewatching

These pretzels are making me thirsty.

Seven Underrated Seinfeld Scenes Worth Rewatching

These pretzels are making me thirsty.

Despite coming to an end nearly a quarter of a century ago, Seinfeld as a whole is arguably one of the most-watched, most-quoted, and most influential sitcoms ever created. Between the lackluster pilot episode and the disappointing series finale are a collection of scenes considered by many to be comedic gold.

No, we’re not talking about any scenes from “The Contest” episode that the mainstream media can’t seem to stop fawning over. We’re talking about the Seinfeld scenes you’re consistently quoting with family and friends around the dinner table, at work, and occasionally pulling up on YouTube while you lay in bed at night. We listed some of our favorite ones here, in no particular order.

Mr. Marbles

Ventriloquist dummies are creepy, to us and Jerry Seinfeld. When Kenny Rogers Chicken sets up shop across the street from Kramer’s apartment, the blinding red light from the restaurant’s sign forces Kramer to move in with Jerry. When the living situation goes awry, Jerry switches apartments (and personalities) with Kramer. The only problem is Kramer’s creepy ventriloquist doll, Mr. Marbles, who makes a creepy dash across the apartment in the closing credits.

The Switch

Jerry begins dating a woman who doesn’t laugh at his jokes. Its not that big of a deal until he meets her roommate, who laughs hysterically at all of his quips (and “also posesses all of the other qualities prized by the superficial man.”) After apprising George of the situation, they embark on one of the greatest montages in Seinfeld history in an attempt to find a way for Jerry to date the roommate instead. The scene is long but the payoff is worth the wait.

Kramer’s Smoker’s Lounge

After getting kicked out of the coffee shop for lighting up a cigar, Kramer turns his apartment into a smoker’s lounger. Unfortunately, the excess smoke “exposes him to a lifetime of smoking in 72 hours.” The best part of this scene is Jerry Seinfeld’s uncontrollable laughter during the blooper, which can be watched here.

These Pretzels Are Making Me Thirsty

This is an often quoted scene in our house, especially by my children when they would rather not answer a question asked of them. Kramer lands a small part in a Woody Allen film, where his line to Woody is “These pretzels are making me thirsty.” Each character on the show takes their turn citing the line with the best and most exaggerated rendition, of course, coming from George Costanza.

George Does The Opposite

Throughout the series, it becomes apparent that George Costanza’s life is one blunder after another, with no happy ending in sight. Sitting broken and defeated one day in the Coffee shop with jerry and Elaine, he decides he will do the opposite of everything he would normally do. As Jerry states ” if everything you’ve ever done is wrong, then the opposite would have to be right.”

Marine Biologist’s Finale

In what is possibly the best episode of the entire series, Kramer begins hitting newly-acquired golf balls into the ocean while George pretends to be a marine biologist to impress a girl he went to high school with. The episode ends with George’s monologue of his ridiculous whale adventure, which reveals that the whale’s blowhole had been lodged with Kramer’s golf ball. If you’ve never seen the episode before, it’s best to watch it in its entirety to fully understand the final scene.

Frank and Estelle Costanza At Dinner Party

George Costanza’s ecdentric father, Frank Costanza, was played by the late great Jerry Stiller who, seen here, has dinner with his son’s fiancé and her parents, where he begs the question: “Let me understand, you got the hen, the chicken and the rooster. The rooster goes with the chicken. So, who’s having sex with the hen?”

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